Technology is moving fast and affecting all dimensions of our environment including our
perceptions and expectations of how to use and connect space. Both as a product and enabler
of these developments, new forms and patterns of movement and transport become possible
and desirable. As design and first steps of implementation in the process of Mobility Transformation across our countries enter a decisive phase, they become more apparent and tangible for ordinary people and therefore a focus of public debate on defining priorities of our economies and societies alike. We need to address both how to shape the future of mobility as well as how to mitigate risks and concerns accompanying these developments.
This joint publication together with the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI) provides an exemplary overview of visions and approaches in Germany and Korea for their respective Mobility Transformation. Both are leading nations when it comes to technological progress as well as necessary legal frameworks in this field, but show complimentary instruments and ideas. Their comparison is meant to illustrate the nexus of pathways leading to a comprehensive and sustainable Mobility Transformation by analyzing specific scenarios or cases, utilizing practical experience and extrapolating methodological models for policy makers in both countries and beyond crafting sustainable mobility transformation strategies in their own context.